Sunday, May 23, 2010

Unauthorized Puffed Movie Adaptation

Unauthorized Puffed Movie Adaptation by John Layman and Dave Crosland.

I love John Layman's Chew, therefore I decided to give a try to this comic book. While the name makes it seem like a movie called Puffed exists, imdb does not list any such movie, which makes me think the title is a joke.

Puffed is the story of a young guy who works at a theme park as a mascot. He has to wear a suit that needs the assistance of another person to put on (and to get out off). He gets kidnapped and thrown into the inner city in his suit and he can't get out of it. Therefore, downtown now has a guy in a dinosaur costume walking around.

The comic has a few funny scenes and overall is pretty good. I don't think the comic was great, so I wouldn't recommend it.

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