Friday, February 5, 2010

Recent Single Issues

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 8 #32 by Brad Meltzer and Georges Jeanty.

After a really good issue #31 we get an even better #32, the best since #15. Meltzer does a fantastic job in his first Buffy comic, making great use of his superhero writing experience. Buffy, who has just found out, has superpowers and Xander wants to test to see which superpowers she has. There's a really funny exchange about phasing, which is extra funny given that Joss Whedon loves the character Kitty Pride (her power is phasing). I love a panel where Warren, after finding out Buffy has superpowers, asks "think she can phase?".
While I am still not in love with Jeanty's art, he does a great job with backgrounds and with scenes that are close to the characters, I don't like how when characters are a bit far or move fast, the face has no detail and looks cartoony. I don't mind cartoony that much if it can express a little more than what it does in his art.
Fantastic issue that leaves me wishing I had the next one already to be able to read it right away.

God Complex #3 by Dan Berman, Michael Avon Oeming and John Broglia.

This is the final issue I ordered for God Complex, as I wanted to give it a three issue trial run. While the issue itself is good and left me curious to what would happen next, overall the series hasn't been what I was hoping it would be about. I was hoping the comic would be introspective, analyzing what makes mortality interesting to a God, what makes people so important and interesting, by looking at our world through the eyes of a God who shuns his immortality. The comic is a lot more about action and the issues seem to be an extended battle with nothing to make me think about. The battles are fun, but I was just hoping for a deeper book than this. For a fun romp about Gods fighting, I would rather read Incredible Hercules (which I'll start reading soon).
I liked this issue, but I am not continuing with the series, not my cup of tea.

Amazing Spider-Man #619 by Dan Slott and Marcos Martin.

This issue is the second part of the Mysterio arc. Mysterio looks really powerful and clever in this issue, although he seems to have gone too far with his illusions as Spider-Man figured out who is behind it. The scene where Spider-Man finds out reminded me of Matt Murdock finding out Kingpin is behind his fall in Daredevil #227 (first issue in the "Born Again" storyline). Since I have just read Born Again, the moment in Spider-Man felt cliché and was nowhere as powerful as Murdock's moment in DD #227.
The issue has a great cliffhanger and I am happy to see Carlie Cooper have more screen time. I was also happy to see a cop who likes Spidey and the reference to Jean DeWolffe. The issue also has fantastic art courtesy of Marcos Martin and the I am eager to read the next issue in the series. Spider-Man's comic is as good as I can remember, since they hit issue #600, the comic has been fantastic. A joy to be a Spidey fan nowadays.

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